Thursday, January 24, 2008

Its Winter in The Valley

All good things must come to and end, sometime. It certainly has here in Mercedes and surrounding area. We had a cool front arrive last week and we now have the Artic front with its cold weather and rain. The last warm day was Tuesday and the next is forecast for this Sunday. In the mean time its in the late 40's and the wind is out of the north. Burrrrrrr.

My DW was here last weekend and got to stay for three days with the Monday holiday. She brought some cooler and windy weather this time like the last. The neighbors made the observation of her and the weather. Since this is her last trip maybe the "winds" will change.

Not much else to say except we are hibernating and waiting on better weather. The light problem is still with me with no solution in sight. The light fixtures were taken down and the wires wiggled with no change. The lights in question are on two circuits. All the other lights work as they should.

I did buy a new gps for golfing. I got a iGolf Caddie ll. This one will allow me to make changes to existing courses. I had bought a SkyCaddie 2 and returned it as it would not allow for changed to existing courses. I have downloaded some courses into the caddie and have downloaded into the laptop more courses that I play when I get back home. And we will be headed back 5 weeks this coming weekend.

Stay warm and be safe where ever you are.