Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Latest Happenings Here

The pics of the tree trimming as it progressed the next day. The company brought in a truck with a basket to get to the dead limb. Once the truck was in place, it was fast work and the limb was gone. The problem with the limb was it was over the 5th wheel and could fall in the wind or just rot to the point of failure. The park would probably be responsible for the repairs. Removal was the better way out.

We both got over the flu, took two weeks. I got a sever sinus infection and had to take antibiotics for eight more days. Some where in there I got an eye infection from putting in and taking out the contact lenses. I went for my yearly checkup yesterday and have more Rx for the eye to get that fixed. That will last a couple of weeks.

I have had a continual problem of breathing and it has gotten worse. Now the little exertions of vacuuming or making the bed leaves me gasping for air. The doctor says we can try several things but an inhaler is the first line of treatment now. He listened to my lungs and said I was whizzing, like I had asthma. We will use this for a month and see how I an doing. If not better then its back to him for more tests at the Dallas clinic. It could be the lungs and it could also be the heart or both. My O2 level in my blood is 96-97% which is good. My blood tests are negative for any infection.

Shirley has been taking care of her mom and dad since we have been here. He has had some problems with blood pressure being high and low. He had a pacemaker installed and is doing better with new meds for the higher end of the pressure. It was a good thing we came back when we did. Her dad was unable to drive for a while and her mom not driving put the driving to DW. That came to a halt two weeks ago when she went to work.

The RV sits now and hardly goes. The front a/c motor shorted out and I got a new one from United RV here and put that in. Cost $151.50 for the motor and $6.00 for new screws. The old screw are plated phillips pan head and rusted in place. finally got them out and replaced them with s/s hex head screw. No more rust and rounded phillips head. I still have one more to replace on the back a/c cover. Once I get that one out, I'll get the model, serial numbers and motor info on the unit. Its not run as much as the front a/c as its a smaller unit. I now run it at night and the front during the day.

Tom Cat is roaming the house. He looks out the windows at night and thru the screen door during the day. He does get bored with nothing to do. He never learned to play as a young cat being a stray.

Thats the latest from here. Its cooling down to the mid 80's from the near 100 it has been. Nights are in the low-mid 60's. We moved DW to an apartment in Fort Worth and I'm here in Weatherford. Staying here thru the winter depends on the winter forecast. Gas down and back is cheaper than fixing frozen water lines and the inconvenience of it all. I would like to stay at the Martin area in Mission, its much cheaper. They also have a golf course too. You can read all about that from last winters notes.

I also removed the Iveys blog as it has been taken down. I hope Patti got the rig sold and has been able to move on with her life. We will miss her and her late husband. Best wishes to you Patti and the family.