Wednesday, August 15, 2007

OPPS, We Both Are Sick

Shirley has not been feeling well for 5 days now. She and her mom probably got it at the hospital in Fort Worth last Thursday. I started getting the sore throat yesterday and today I've got the stuffy head thing. She was not in the hospital but her dad was. She is still not feeling well and has a sore throat yet. I guess this will take a week to run its course.

Nothing new on the job search. We did have to put her car, the Cavalier, in the shop. The battery went dead and it turned out to be a bad 1 year old battery. I really thought it would be the alternator we got last year in Pagosa Springs, CO.

Hope this finds everybody well and enjoying the sights. We, mainly Shirley, has been very busy taking care of her parents. With her dad unable to drive right now, Shirley is the one helping with the errands and other trips that have to be made in the car. She isn't home to much some days.

Thats it from the bedside here. We should be up and running in a week for sure.